Financing for your Business
Our advisors help entrepreneurs explore a range of potential financing sources to secure funds for purchasing equipment or property or for working capital to operate their business.
Business Planning
Write the roadmap for your venture with the help of experienced business advisors
Whether for investors, bankers, partners, or simply yourself, our advisors offer personalized assistance, templates, business plan examples, and more.
Developing Financial Projections
Develop realistic and comprehensive financial projections to both effectively plan for your business’ growth as well as to potentially secure financing.
Market Research
Secure free demographic, economic and other key market research through our Research Network to help determine target market potential, learn about your industry, and stay on top of trends.
Business Start-Up Assistance
Get guidance to help bring your idea from concept to reality, and assess the obligations and responsibilities of different legal structures.
Finding More Customers
Brainstorm effective marketing and sales strategies, including social media & website development, to communicate the benefits of your products & services.